A Complete Guide on Post Vacation Home Cleaning

June 30, 2022

Getting our homes back in shape after a long vacation is something we all get worried about. It often takes away the joy of going on a holiday. Going back to our daily routine is a bit different for many of us while we are still in the hangover of a dreamy vacation. Not to mention, it can be even more difficult to return to a messed-up home. Post vacation blues is a real thing and not everyone would get it when you talk about it. But, you need not worry! We are here to help with our detailed guide that includes a practical cleaning list for post vacation home cleaning you can do after getting back home. 

Things to Clean After Coming Back Home from Vacation 

Let's discuss the essential areas you need to clean after coming back from a long vacation. 

Clean and Dry the Clothes 

Start by unpacking your travel companion - your backpack! Hang up clothes that are unused and still clean, and put everything used and unclean into the washing machine. While the machine does its job for the first load of laundry (if you’ve got more), you can get all hands on deck to engage in other cleaning chores. And, by the time you are back after finishing those chores, your clothes will be all ready to hang and dry. 

Deep-Clean and Disinfect the Kitchen 

Cleaning the kitchen should be your top priority while doing post vacation home cleaning. You should clean all the kitchen appliances such as the refrigerator, microwave oven, coffee maker, and so on. This is because these appliances will develop a chance to smell when they are kept unused for some days. 

Take out the left-over food from the refrigerator and deep-clean your refrigerator including the freezer. Here is how you can clean a refrigerator at home. A little hack - use a solution made of baking soda to clean your fridge to get rid of unpleasant odour. 

The next thing you will have to do is supervise the pantry to get a list of everything you need to restock. Make sure that you put the oldest and most useful things in front while organising stuff in the kitchen after cleaning, so that you will not miss to use them first. 

You must disinfect the countertops and floor of your kitchen after deep-cleaning since you are using your kitchen after not using it for days. 

Clean the Carpets and Upholstery

The carpets and upholstery furniture of your home are also likely to collect dust while you are away from home for a few days. Make friends with your vacuum cleaner and get rid of all the settled dust. If you have washable covers for your sofas and chairs, you can put them too into the washing machine to clear off settled dust.

Here is how you can clean carpets at your home and take care of them. 

Clean and Arrange the Rooms

There is nothing more comfortable than sleeping on a clean bed, and the perk is double if that’s the one in your bedroom. But you have to thoroughly clean your bedroom after getting back. Make sure that you clean the nightstands, dressers, walls and floors. You should also clean your kid’s room with the same or more priority if that’s necessary. Take away the toys that are covered in dust, and clean them to keep allergies and health issues at bay. Last but not least - change the bedsheets to get a good sleep on them.

Here are some smart tips on how to clean your home room-by-room.

Clean All the Bathrooms 

The first thing most of us would want to do after getting back to our space is taking a long shower in our home’s bathroom to feel we are really at home. We would recommend you clean the bathrooms before you go, as bathrooms can stay neat since no one is using them.

If you do this, all you have to do after coming back from your vacation is do a quick cleaning with a rag and disinfectant before using the bathrooms. We’re sure that using bathrooms comfortably is a must for all of us, and you shouldn’t have to wait too long for it. 

Read the detailed guide on how to deep-clean your bathrooms by clicking here

Vacuuming and Mopping the Floor 

One of the most important cleaning tasks you will have to cover is vacuuming and mopping the dust that has settled into your space while you were on vacation. You can use your vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean the floors. Follow by mopping the floor using a cleaning solution until the floors are sparkling clean. 

Putting Clothes and Other Stuff into the Closet 

The clothes you’ve put for drying should be dry by the time you’ve covered other tasks. Put them back where they belong in the closet to avoid dealing with piled-up dried clothes later.

Post Vacation Home Cleaning Services in Singapore

While you are back from a long vacation, there is a possibility that you will be so tired that you would not want to do the deep cleaning of your home in Singapore. That’s why we offer you the best post vacation home cleaning services. We understand your post-vacation blues like no one else and will cover all the deep-cleaning needs at your home. Download the Sendhelper app, book for the deep-cleaning service, and sit back and relax while we show up on your door. 

Enjoy $20 OFF deep cleaning services on the Sendhelper app. Use code MC20 before checkout. T&Cs apply.

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