7 Reasons Your Aircon Is Leaking Water

June 23, 2023

There's nothing quite as frustrating as discovering water leaking from your air conditioner. Aircon water leakage can be a perplexing problem, leaving homeowners wondering what could be causing the issue. While the answer may not always be straightforward, understanding the potential causes is key to resolving the problem and restoring your cooling comfort. In this article, we will delve into the common culprits behind aircon water leakage, shedding light on the reasons why it occurs and providing insights into possible solutions.

What Causes Aircon Leaking Water?

In Singapore, the average dust particulate matter concentration can exceed the World Health Organisation’s recommended air quality index. So, aircon units collect dirt and contaminants quickly, eventually causing them to leak water.

When you notice water dripping or pooling around your air conditioner, it's essential to identify the underlying cause to effectively tackle the issue before contacting an aircon servicing and repair professional. Here are seven common culprits of an aircon leaking water:

1. Clogged Condensate Drain Line

Over time, the condensate drain line in your air conditioner can become clogged with dirt, dust, mould or other debris. This blockage disrupts the normal flow of water, leading to leakage. To address this, it's recommended to unclog the drain line. While some DIY methods exist, such as using a wet-dry vacuum or flushing with a vinegar-water solution, it's often best to seek the assistance of a professional aircon technician. They have the expertise and specialised tools to clear the blockage effectively and fix the leaking issue.

2. Improper Installation

Improper aircon installation is another common cause of leaking water. If your unit was not installed correctly, it may be tilted or positioned in a way that hampers proper drainage. This can result in water pooling inside the unit and eventually leaking. To prevent this, it's crucial to ensure that your air conditioner is installed by a qualified professional who can properly level the unit and ensure adequate drainage.

3. Refrigerant Issues

Low refrigerant levels or refrigerant leaks can also contribute to aircon water leakage. The refrigerant is responsible for cooling the air and absorbing heat from the surroundings. When refrigerant levels are insufficient, or there are leaks in the system, the evaporator coil may freeze up and then thaw, leading to leaking water. If you suspect refrigerant issues, it's important to have a professional aircon technician assess the system, identify any leaks, and recharge the refrigerant as needed.

4. Dirty or Blocked Air Filter

Air filters play a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency of your air conditioner. When filters become dirty or clogged with dust and debris, airflow is restricted, and the evaporator coil can freeze up. As the coil thaws, excess water may start dripping or leaking from the aircon unit. Regularly cleaning or replacing the air filters is a simple yet effective way to prevent this issue and ensure proper airflow.

5. Faulty Condensate Pump

Some air conditioning systems utilize a condensate pump to remove excess water. If the pump malfunctions or fails to operate correctly, water may not be effectively pumped out, resulting in leakage. Checking the functionality of the condensate pump and ensuring it's properly powered is important to avoid leaking problems. If issues persist, it's advisable to consult a professional aircon technician for further assessment and potential repairs.

6. Faulty AC Condenser Coil

A faulty AC condenser coil is another reason you might find your aircon leaking water. The condenser coil, responsible for releasing heat outside, can become damaged or corroded over time. This issue can disrupt the unit's ability to effectively expel heat, leading to condensation and subsequent leakage. Regular inspection and maintenance are essential to spot any early signs of wear or damage to the condenser coil, ensuring your aircon remains leak-free.

7. Clogged or Damaged Coil

Clogged or damaged coils can also be culprits behind an aircon leaking water. The coils, integral to the aircon's cooling process, can accumulate dirt and debris, which not only impairs their efficiency but also leads to water leakage issues. Additionally, any physical damage to these coils can disrupt the normal cooling cycle, causing water to accumulate and leak. Regular cleaning services and inspection of the coils are vital to prevent clogging and detect any damages early on, thus avoiding water leakage from your aircon unit.

How to Fix an Aircon Leaking Water

Dealing with an aircon that’s leaking water can be a hassle, but understanding how to fix this issue is essential for maintaining a comfortable and functional living space. Here's a step-by-step guide on what you can do:

Clean the Aircon Filters

One common cause of an aircon leaking water is dirty filters, which can lead to icy evaporator coils and clogged drain lines. A simple cleaning of the aircon filters might just be the solution to fix the leak.

Note: Always refer to your aircon unit's instruction manual before starting. Some filters are washable, while others need to be replaced.

To clean the filters:

  1. Remove the aircon unit’s front cover and gently detach the filters.
  2. Use a microfibre cloth to wipe down the front cover.
  3. Take the tube extension of your vacuum cleaner and use it to remove loose dirt or large particles from the filters.
  4. Pour lukewarm water into a large basin and mix it with a reasonable amount of mild liquid soap.
  5. Gently wash the filters in this solution.
  6. Rinse the filters thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  7. Allow the filters to air dry completely before reinstalling them in the aircon.

Contact a Professional Aircon Service Provider

If cleaning the filters doesn't resolve the leaking water, it's time to call in the experts. Professional aircon service providers are equipped with trained technicians who have the expertise to diagnose and fix aircon leaks effectively.

These technicians not only understand the intricacies of aircon systems but also have access to the necessary tools and equipment for proper and safe repair. By entrusting the job to professionals, you ensure that your aircon is handled correctly, preventing further damage to both the unit and your property. Besides, they’ll tell you how often you should get your aircon serviced.

How to Prevent Your Aircon from Leaking Water

Ensuring your aircon is in top shape not only enhances its performance but also prevents issues like water leakage. Here are some key steps to prevent your unit from leaking water:

1. Check Your Aircon Filters Regularly

Keeping a regular check on your aircon filters is crucial. Clogged or dirty filters can lead to a range of problems, including water leakage. Clean or replace your aircon filters every few months to maintain proper airflow and prevent issues that could lead to your aircon leaking water.

2. Observe the Compressor

Pay attention to your aircon's compressor. Any unusual noises or visual signs of wear and tear can be early indicators of potential problems. Regular observations can help you catch issues before they escalate, preventing your aircon from leaking water.

3. Schedule a Quarterly Aircon Maintenance Check

To ensure your unit stays in optimal condition, schedule a professional aircon servicing at least once every quarter. Regular maintenance checks are key in identifying and addressing any issues early on, ultimately preventing your aircon from leaking water.

4. Fix Any Irregularities as Soon as Possible

If you notice any irregularities with your aircon, such as unusual sounds, poor cooling or minor leaks, address them immediately. Delaying repairs can lead to more significant problems, including major water leaks. Prompt action can save you from the inconvenience and costs associated with a leaking aircon unit.

Trust Sendhelper for Expert Solutions to Resolve Aircon Leaking Water Issues

When it comes to tackling aircon leaking water problems, Sendhelper is your reliable ally. With our team of experienced and skilled aircon technicians, we provide expert solutions to address and resolve water leakage issues effectively.

By booking a service through the Sendhelper website or app, you can have peace of mind knowing that your aircon leakage concerns will be handled efficiently and professionally, restoring your cooling comfort and ensuring a hassle-free experience. Trust Sendhelper to bring expertise and reliability to your doorstep, offering you a swift resolution to your aircon leaking water troubles.

Frequently Asked Questions About Aircon Water Leaks

Is it normal for my aircon to leak water?

When the humidity levels in Singapore are high, you’ll notice a minimal amount of condensation or water dripping from your aircon. However, the leak shouldn’t be to the extent that it causes stains on the walls or pools of water under the unit. Such excessive leakage indicates a problem that a professional technician should address.

Can I still use my AC even when it is leaking?

It's not advisable to continue using your aircon if it's leaking water, as this could indicate a serious issue that might worsen with continued use. To prevent further damage, it's best to turn off the unit and consult a professional for a thorough inspection and repair.

Is the water leaking from my aircon toxic?

No, the water leaking from your aircon is typically not toxic. This water is usually just condensation from the air-cooling process. However, if the aircon unit is dirty or contains bacteria, the water might carry these impurities. Regular maintenance is recommended to keep the unit clean and ensure the water remains harmless.

Do aircon compressors leak water?

No, aircon compressors themselves do not typically leak water. The compressor is a part of the air conditioning system that primarily deals with refrigerant gas, not water. If you notice water near your aircon unit, it's more likely coming from other components like the evaporator coil or condensate drain line, not the compressor.

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