Help Articles

Cooking Service

Grocery Shopping
  • Buy groceries and food ingredients for cooking upon request
Meal Preparation
  • Clean up kitchen countertop to ensure the area is hygienic
  • Set up workstation with food ingredients and cooking equipment
  • Ensure proper connection of electric cooking appliances as a safety measure
  • Prepare ingredients to use in cooking (peeling and chopping of vegetables, washing and cutting meat etc.)
  • Monitor the progress while the food is being cooked
  • Transfer cooked food to serving dishes

Presentation and Storage
  • Present the food on the table
  • Pack food in containers, label and store them in refrigerator or freezer
Clean up
  • Wash and dry cooking utensils
  • Wipe cooking equipment
  • Wipe the workstation to remove food particles and stains
  • Collect rubbish in a trash bag and dispose it of in the designated bin

Exception: Job scope does not include sweeping and mopping of kitchen floor, cleaning cabinets, deep cleaning of stove, oven and refrigerator and washing of plates and serving dishes.