The Ultimate Guide to the Best Aircon Servicing in Singapore

October 9, 2023

Singapore is our darling city, but with the sun shining fiercely and the air as hot as a sizzling barbecue grill! With temperatures soaring past 30°C on a regular basis, it is no surprise that a trusty air conditioning system is an absolute must-have here at our homes and offices. Getting one is just the first step towards comfort. Yet, what happens next in the lifecycle of your aircon is critical. Regular ‘tender loving care’ or servicing is paramount for keeping it in peak condition. It is the secret ingredient to ensuring that the aircon keeps us cool through those scorching summer days and balmy nights.

In this article, we are going to share with you the perfect guide to aircon servicing. We’ll discuss what aircon servicing includes and why it’s necessary. Moreover, you’ll discover how routine maintenance can be a game-changer for the longevity and performance of your aircon units.

What Does Aircon Servicing Include and Why Is it Necessary?

You might ask, “What happens during aircon servicing in Singapore?” The process involves cleaning, checking the system's components and resolving any existing issues. General maintenance ensures that your air conditioning unit runs smoothly and efficiently.

Given Singapore's hot and humid climate, air conditioners work hard to keep our homes and offices comfortable. This continuous use, when combined with dust accumulation and natural wear and tear, can decrease our unit's efficiency over time. Regular aircon servicing in Singapore not only ensures our aircon units run at their best. It also helps avoid unexpected breakdowns, reduces energy consumption, and extends their lifespan.

What Types of Procedures Does Aircon Servicing Include?

Understanding what happens in aircon servicing in Singapore is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your unit. Typically, aircon servicing does include three main procedures: general cleaning, chemical cleaning and regular maintenance services.

General Cleaning

General cleaning is a fundamental aspect of what aircon servicing includes. This process involves cleaning filters, coils and pans, which not only enhances the aircon's efficiency but also plays a significant role in reducing energy bills. Such routine cleaning does ensure that your aircon functions optimally, providing you with cool and clean air.

Chemical Cleaning

When people consider what happens in aircon servicing in Singapore, they always include chemical cleaning, especially for tackling tough dirt. It's particularly effective for older units or for addressing persistent issues like leaks and odours. Chemical cleaning goes beyond the surface, providing a deep clean that can rejuvenate your aircon unit.

Maintenance Services

In this aircon servicing procedure, a professional checks the unit’s parts, including the refrigerant, thermostat, condenser and electrical connections. What this process does is prevent costly future repairs.

What Benefits Does Regular Aircon Servicing in Singapore Include?

We know that we’ve mentioned this already! Living in a city like ours, a tropical paradise of heat and humidity, makes understanding what happens in aircon servicing in Singapore not just beneficial but essential. Keeping our homes, offices and shopping malls at the perfect temperature is a heavy task our air conditioning units perform day in and day out. But what does it take to ensure these diligent machines keep running at their best? This is where regular aircon servicing enters the picture.

Let us explore the numerous benefits of aircon servicing in Singapore and why it should be a non-negotiable part of our routine.

Maximising Energy Efficiency

‍An aircon system is not just a simple machine, it is an intricate network of components working together to provide that much-needed respite from Singapore's tropical heat. An aircon’s efficiency gets hampered when dust, grime, and dirt accumulate within these components, thereby forcing it to work harder, consume more energy, and still not cool as effectively as we would expect.

Regular aircon servicing in Singapore ensures this accumulation is systematically cleaned out. It is like running a spa day for your aircon unit, letting it unwind, get rid of the excess weight and perform at its very best. This not only improves its cooling efficiency but significantly reduces energy consumption. It's a clear demonstration of what aircon servicing entails in Singapore, going beyond mere cleaning to ensure optimal operation.

And have you ever thought about what would the result of this newfound efficiency be? Lower utility bills. Yes, regular aircon servicing is more than a mundane task; it is an investment that repays us by reducing our expenditure on power. What happens in aircon servicing becomes increasingly important especially with energy costs rising globally.

Breathe Easy with Improved Air Quality

‍Our aircon's responsibility extends beyond temperature control. It plays a vital role in maintaining the quality of the air we breathe indoors. Over time, filters and other parts of the unit can become a hotbed for dust, bacteria, and other pollutants. And these elements can significantly compromise indoor air quality when left unchecked. Without aircon servicing, what happens next is a host of health issues like allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems.

Quick Tip: Check out our guide on how to prevent mould in aircon to keep allergies at bay.

Regular servicing addresses this by thoroughly cleaning your aircon system and removing these contaminants, thereby keeping your indoor air fresh and healthy. In a bustling city like Singapore, where life moves fast, and we spend most of our time indoors, be it at home or in office spaces, clean air is more than a comfort - it is a necessity.

Longer Lifespan for Our Trusty Companion

Many of us in Singapore have invested in an aircon system, hoping it will function effectively for many years. This isn't an unrealistic expectation, as regular aircon servicing is key to making this a reality. Understanding the full extent of what aircon servicing encompasses, including the routine checks and maintenance tasks performed, is crucial in extending the lifespan of these units.

Just as we humans need regular health check-ups to catch potential issues, aircon units too need regular servicing to identify and resolve small problems before they escalate into costly repairs or even replacements. We can ensure the unit's longevity and secure our investment for a longer period by nipping issues in the bud.

Early Detection and Prevention of Potential Problems

‍Imagine what happens when you’re preparing for a relaxing weekend at home and your aircon suddenly breaks down. Disappointing, right? Even small issues, if left unattended, can snowball into larger problems that can lead to inconvenient and unexpected breakdowns.

With regular aircon servicing in Singapore, professionals can inspect our unit in detail and spot potential problems. A minor refrigerant leak might seem insignificant at first, but it can lead to a major system failure if not addressed promptly. Regular servicing acts as a safety net against these unexpected situations, keeping us cool and comfortable at all times.

What Happens in Aircon Servicing

Understanding what happens in aircon servicing in Singapore is crucial for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your unit. Regular servicing is not just about fixing problems as they arise. It's a proactive approach to maintaining your aircon's health and performance.

What Does Aircon Servicing Include?

Thorough inspection and cleaning of the fan coil This involves a detailed examination and meticulous cleaning of the fan coil unit to ensure optimal performance.
Safety circuit analysis A technician will examine all safety circuits to ensure they are functioning correctly, safeguarding the system against electrical issues.
Compressor pressure evaluation The suction and discharge pressures of the compressors are checked for consistency.
Leakage and pipe joint inspection A detailed check is conducted on the seals and joints of pipes for any leakages, with repairs offered as an additional service if needed.
Drainage pipe maintenance This service includes flushing out any blockages in the drainage pipe to prevent water leakage and maintain proper drainage.
Air filter maintenance The fan coil’s air filter will be inspected, cleaned, and washed to ensure clean air circulation.
Hardware integrity check The technician performs a thorough examination of bolts and nuts for tightness and corrosion, ensuring the structural integrity of the unit.
Cooling coil and water tray servicing This procedure includes cleaning the cooling coil and water tray, along with the blower, to enhance the unit's cooling efficiency.
Post-servicing test run After each servicing or repair, a test run is conducted to ensure the unit is functioning smoothly.
Comprehensive air filter and blower maintenance This process involves inspecting and cleaning the air filter, cooling coil and the fan coil's blower for efficient airflow.
Drain pan and pipe cleaning This step includes cleaning the drain pan and flushing the condensate water drain pipe to prevent blockages.
Electrical component assessment All electrical components of the aircon unit are checked for functionality and safety.
Compressor inspection The compressor is examined for signs of corrosion and any abnormal noises during operation, ensuring its longevity.
Refrigerant leak checks The equipment is inspected thoroughly for any refrigerant leaks, a crucial aspect of maintenance.
Additional options (not included in standard servicing) Options such as a Chemical Wash or Condenser Unit Servicing are available, with rates varying depending on the model.

How to Choose a Reliable Aircon Servicing Company in Singapore?

We know that our city has a tropical climate, which makes air conditioning a necessity for comfort. This need for constant cooling means our aircon units work tirelessly. What happens next is the inevitable wear and tear of the system. Regular aircon servicing in Singapore by reliable professionals can ensure our aircon's optimal performance, extending its lifespan and keeping our spaces cool and comfortable. But how do we choose a reliable aircon servicing company in Singapore with numerous options available out there? Don’t worry! Our detailed guide also aims to help you navigate through this selection process.

Experience Is Invaluable

‍Experience, as they say, is the best teacher, and this rings true in the aircon servicing industry. An experienced company can handle a diverse range of issues across different aircon models.

Just as we would prefer an experienced doctor to diagnose and treat our ailments, an experienced home service brand in Singapore like Sendhelper that offers aircon service can accurately identify what issues your unit might have. At the same time, they will use the most effective solutions. Sendhelper happens to provide expert advice on maintenance and troubleshooting tips specific to your aircon model, which will help you maximise the performance and longevity of your aircon unit.

A Stellar Reputation Speaks for Itself

Pay close attention to the company’s reputation in the community.

What do you do to ascertain a company's reputation? Ask around. Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool, and recommendations from family, friends, or neighbours can provide real insights into a company's aircon servicing quality.

In addition to this, we live in the digital age where access to information is at our fingertips. Online platforms are teeming with ratings, reviews, and testimonials, providing a broad perspective of the company's reputation. A strong positive online presence with high ratings and favourable customer feedback happens to be a good sign.

Sendhelper has a good reputation among Singaporean households. It is an indicator of consistent service quality and customer satisfaction over time.

Price vs. Value, Striking the Right Balance

‍While it is natural to gravitate towards cost-effective options for anything and everything, remember that when it comes to aircon servicing in Singapore, cheaper isn't always better. The key is to get the best value for what you’re paying.

For instance, a company might offer low prices but may not provide comprehensive service, resulting in frequent and costly repairs. Another company might charge slightly more but happens to provide extensive, high-quality service that keeps your aircon running smoothly for longer periods, saving you money in the long run.

Strive to strike a balance between price and value. We need to ensure that the company we choose offers excellent service at a fair and competitive price, thereby maximising the return on our investment.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials, the Power of Feedback

In our interconnected world, customer reviews and testimonials have become crucial factors in decision-making processes. After all, the first-hand account of the customer experience does matter. It is an invaluable resource when assessing a company's reliability when it comes to aircon cleaning and servicing.

Look for reviews that include the quality of service, professionalism and responsiveness. Also, determine what type of aircon issues they’ve resolved.

Certifications, Insurance and Awards, a Mark of Professionalism and Assurance

‍Certifications in the aircon servicing industry in Singapore signify a company's dedication to professionalism and commitment to maintaining industry standards. A certified company assures us that its technicians have the necessary training, skills, and knowledge to service our aircon systems correctly.

Awards and recognitions also validate the quality and reliability of aircon servicing companies in Singapore. Sendhelper happens to be the Expat Living Best Air Condition Services Gold Winner in 2024.

Moreover, insurance coverage is another crucial factor. Accidents can happen even with the most experienced professionals, and an insured company protects us from liability in case of any accidental damage or injuries during the service. This assurance is what adds an extra layer of protection and peace of mind for us as customers.

How Often Should You Get Aircon Servicing in Singapore?

In Singapore's humid climate, regular aircon servicing is essential for maintaining optimal performance. The general rule of thumb is to have your aircon serviced once every three months for routine cleaning and inspection.

However, certain circumstances happen that might necessitate more frequent servicing. Is your aircon not cold? Perhaps you noticed water leakage or more frequent allergy attacks.These are what tell you that your aircon requires attention sooner.‍

Quick Tip: For more details, check out our guide on how often should an aircon unit be serviced.

What You Need to Know About Chemical Overhaul

Sometimes your aircon needs more than a regular cleaning service or chemical wash. This is where a chemical overhaul comes in. Professionals recommend it when your aircon starts making strange noises or isn't working as well as it used to. What happens is a deeper clean that also involves looking at everything. The technician will clean parts like trays, coils and filters. They will also check the blower wheels and coils and make sure the aircon's pipes are clear. This deep clean servicing helps your aircon work better and should be done about once a year.

A chemical overhaul does more than a normal clean. It keeps your aircon running smoothly and stops big problems before they start. With this procedure, you won't have to spend much on new parts for your aircon. It's a good idea to get a chemical overhaul if you hear odd noises or if parts of your aircon wear out. Fixing these parts quickly means fewer problems later. Consequently, your unit will last longer and work more efficiently.

DIY Aircon Maintenance Tips for the Singaporean Homeowner

With the usage of aircon units growing every year, ensuring that they are functioning optimally is essential. While engaging professional aircon servicing companies in Singapore is crucial, there are also numerous DIY maintenance steps you can carry out to keep your aircon in top shape between these professional servicing appointments.

So, what are some DIY aircon maintenance steps that we can perform? Here are some easy-to-follow tips that can help keep our aircon units at homes and offices running smoothly.

Regular Cleaning of Filters

One of the most important yet simple maintenance tasks we can perform is cleaning the aircon filters. These filters trap dust, dirt, and other pollutants, ensuring that we have clean, healthy air in our homes. However, over time, these filters can become clogged, impeding airflow and forcing the aircon to work harder than necessary.

To clean the filters, first, turn off and unplug your aircon unit. Then, open the front panel and carefully remove the filters. Using a soft brush or vacuum cleaner, gently clean the filters to remove any accumulated dust or dirt. You can rinse them under warm running water if the filters are particularly dirty. Make sure they are completely dry before putting them back into the unit.

Ensure the Outdoor Unit is Clear

The outdoor unit, also known as the condenser, is responsible for expelling the heat removed from your home's interior. It needs to be free of any blockages for the condenser to function effectively.

To ensure this, regularly inspect the area around the outdoor unit. Remove any leaves, twigs, or other debris that could be obstructing the airflow. There should also be enough clearance around the unit to allow for adequate ventilation- a minimum of one metre is usually recommended.

Check and Clean the Aircon Fins

The fins on both the indoor and outdoor units of your aircon are integral to the heat exchange process. Over time, these fins can accumulate dust and other debris, which can impact the unit's effectiveness. They can also get bent or damaged, which can impede airflow.

To maintain the fins, use a soft brush to gently remove any surface dust. If any fins are bent, you can straighten them using a fin comb, available at most hardware stores. Be gentle to avoid causing additional damage to them.

Keep an Eye on the Drainage System

The drainage system in our aircon units is designed to carry away the condensation produced during the cooling process. If the drain line becomes blocked, it can lead to a build-up of moisture. What happens next includes issues such as water leakage and potentially damaging your aircon unit and your home.

If you don’t have the time for professional aircon servicing, you can periodically check the drain line for any blockages. If you find a blockage, you can try using a wet/dry vacuum to clear it. It's also advisable to check the drain pan for any signs of overflow or damage.

Regularly Check the Thermostat

The thermostat is the command centre of your aircon, controlling the temperature setting. It is important to ensure that it's working correctly to keep your home at the ideal temperature for the conditions in Singapore.

Monitor your thermostat regularly to ensure it is operating as it should. If you have a programmable thermostat, review what the settings align with your schedule and adjust them if necessary. If you’re struggling to configure the settings, call Sendhelper and get professional aircon servicing. Our technicians will help you adjust the thermostat settings accordingly.

Listen for Unusual Noises

As homeowners, we’re likely to know the typical sounds of our aircon units, right? If you start to hear unusual noises like grinding, squealing, or banging, this could be a sign of a potential issue.

While you may not be able to fix these issues yourself all the time, early identification can help prevent minor issues from turning into larger problems. Moreover, it lets you get aircon servicing at the right time.

The Importance of Engaging a Professional Company for Aircon Servicing in Singapore

Professional companies like Sendhelper not only service aircon units but also educate on the importance of regular maintenance, including how to get the most out of your aircon system. It is also why we’re here today with this article. For us, our readers matter all day, every day!

While DIY methods may seem tempting, nothing can match the expertise that professional aircon servicing brings. What an expert technician does is identify potential problems that may not be immediately apparent to untrained eyes. This early detection can save you from more significant issues and expenses down the line.

In addition to this, trained professionals from trusted companies like Sendhelper are equipped with the right tools and follow industry standards for aircon servicing, ensuring the job gets done right the first time. They are also knowledgeable about different types of aircon systems and their specific servicing needs, allowing them to provide a more tailored and efficient service.

We always try to tell that a well-maintained aircon is a well-performing aircon. So, let's do our part in understanding and promoting regular aircon servicing for a cooler and more efficient aircon unit at all of our homes and offices.

Choose Sendhelper’s award-winning aircon service for your abode. Flexible scheduling and same-day booking are no longer difficult while you book via our website or app.

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