Spring Cleaning is Fun! Even your Kids Can Help
Come Spring, you feel a lot refreshed as you feel warm and comfortable. Believe it, it’s the perfect time to set your home with a unique order. Just make a fresh beginning. This would put a smile on your face. You would realize that it’s high time to arrange your closets and completely clean the corners that you have left unattended for a long time. Once you make your mind on cleaning, hire professional cleaning services to help you out and make sure that every corner of your house would don a fabulous look.
To make the cleaning real fun, let’s see some of the easy steps that would enliven you once those really take place inside your house.
Make a schedule and get the supplies - Planning a schedule for cleaning is something that would really work for you. You need to put in motion an effective planning. Once you get it done that would make your house spick and span. So as the first priority, set the dates and the next job is you need to get the supplies for cleaning. A professional Laundry service by sendhelper could do the task amazingly for you in this regard.
Just set the volume high - Cleaning is a tough job but by no means, you need to become too serious. Just relax and switch on the music. Keep your adrenalin flowing and imagine that you would have more fun than a dance party. Your living room and kitchen would see a dance party taking place, while every bit of dirt would get removed. Ask your kids to join the fun. You would visualize the broom turn into a microphone.
Set the timer of your clock - You could tell your kids that this is really going to be a competition. While you set the clock for 3 minutes, your children would do the first assignment of cleaning. Ask them to collect the things and make them come to an order. Then move to set the clock for another minute and begin the next task. As you move on with this, your kids would learn to keep pace with time and cleaning simultaneously.
Make them do the square sweeping - Now it’s time to teach your kids sweeping. Make a square on the floor and make them sweep everything unto it. It becomes easy to collect the dirt and filth. Assuredly, as the cleaning ends, you would feel truly energized. This is as a matter of fact this is going to become fantastic and fabulous entertainment for you and the kids.
Host a small party after cleaning - After the cleaning is over it’s time to host a little party. Your kids need pat on their backs for doing a commendable job. Give them their favorite ice-cream and chocolate. These rewards are just enough to make them jump to their feet and hug and kiss you. At length, you could relax with a cup of coffee and watch your favourite movie.