8 Surprisingly Simple Hacks for a Home That Smells Like a Dream

Picking air fresheners for our homes is one of the common things we do to keep bad odours out of our homes. While artificial air fresheners are great choices for making our spaces smell fragrant and enjoyable, they could harm our good health. Several breathing problems like asthma have been closely linked with the use of such artificial fresheners. They could also cause many other health issues such as headaches, soreness, nasal and throat irritation, and many more. The best way to stay away from these is by using natural air fresheners as they are greatly effective in making your home smell good. You can bring several blending smells to your home with the use of natural ingredients such as flowers, essential oils, and herbs. Here are some ways in which you can make your home smell fresh.
Light Scented Candles
Scented candles have a good aroma, so lighting and keeping them at your home will fill your space with aromatic scents. However, some candles could also have chemical compounds in them, and they are usually added to candles to give out synthetic fragrances. Therefore, go for natural candles that are prepared using a special blend of soy wax or beeswax. They contain pure essential oils and other natural elements that help the candles to burn for a longer time.
Keep Some Incense Sticks in Room
Incense sticks or incense coils are prepared by burning substances such as herbs and coating them around the sticks to release the fragrance. You can also choose to use them along with essential oils to get a variety of fragrances. Burning incense candles at home in the evening is also a tradition in some parts of the world.
Keep or Make Some Coffee for Smelling
Fresh coffee also comes with the benefit of smelling great when you brew, grind, or even bake them in the oven. It also helps to absorb strong odours of garlic and onion from your kitchen. The smell of coffee usually cheers people, so you can put coffee grounds in the kitchen dustbins to keep foul smells at bay.
Use Essential Oils
You can get small jars of essential oils - reed diffusers to light the room. Burning diffused essential oils is a great way to uplift your mood and relax you. Dipping cotton balls in them and keeping them in bathrooms could help create a soothing environment in your bathrooms as well. The fragrance of essential oils spreads easily within the rooms, and hence you can burn them during special occasions and celebrations at your home, or before guests visit your home.
Simmer Herbs
Simmering different herbs and fruits with some water in a pot is an old-age trick to make your home smell amazing. It could be one of the easiest things to do as you are most likely to have the ingredients in the kitchen most of the time. You can use herbs such as cinnamon, anise, or cloves with lemon slices, apple peels, or orange rinds in a pot and simmer them until the smell fills up your rooms. Strain and store the liquid in spray bottles to use in the kitchen or anywhere else for freshening up the place.
Use Dried Potpourri at Home
You can use dried potpourri for decoration and also make your home smell good. Using the leaves of naturally scented potpourri to avoid health issues later. You can prepare your potpourri at home and try fragrances of your choice by using essential oils, dried fruits, herbs, and spices.
Clean the Air Without a Scent
Use baking soda to soak up foul smells from your home if you face the problem of triggering migraine with exposure to strong smells. It is also a good choice for people who have asthma. You can keep open boxes of baking soda in the fridge, drawers, closets and cabinets to keep unpleasant odours at bay. You can also sprinkle baking soda in vacuum cans and trash bins while cleaning so that you will have to inhale foul smells for a long time while cleaning.
White vinegar is also one such item you can use to absorb foul smells from rooms. Place a bowl of white vinegar in your rooms overnight for this to happen so that you can wake up to a room with a clean smell. You can also fill one part of vinegar into four parts of water into a clean spray bottle to use in different areas of your home.
Bake Some Pleasantly-Smelling Stuff
Baking simple items such as lemons or oranges can help you get rid of foul smells from the kitchen. You can slice some lemons or oranges, bake them, and turn off the heat. Open the oven door open after baking them. Baking food items such as cakes, brownies, and cookies too fill up our space with a pleasant smell, and you can use them to treat your taste buds too.
Things to Do to Keep the Air in Your Room Clean
In addition to using fragrances in rooms and bathrooms, it is also important that we take care of some other aspects too to keep our home smelling clean. A few important things among them are:
- Make sure that there is good ventilation in all the rooms and bathrooms in your home.
- Clean the beddings and toys of your pets regularly.
- Make sure that you keep your windows open for at least half an hour daily to allow clean air to circulate through your house.
- Avoid wetness in your house, and try to dry your clothes outdoors with exposure to sunlight.
- Make sure that you wash and change the curtains in a while as they tend to absorb odour quickly.
We must deep-clean our spaces in a while and keep them free of dust and debris before we use any smell-inducing products to make the home smell fresh. Now with the service of the Sendhelper in Singapore, you can make it happen without stressing regardless of whether you got time for it or not. Download the Sendhelper and book our cleaning services to get the job done without hassle.