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Sendhelper’s Affiliate Programme in Singapore to Earn Unlimited Income

October 6, 2021

An affiliate programme in Singapore is an opportunity to get passive income even when you sleep, and there are many such programmes for you to create extra income. They are businesses based on performances where you get paid money based on a qualified action taking place from your end. The affiliate programme of Sendhelper is a curated network of powerful influencer who have potential to send referrals to us. Independent promoters and influencers are invited to recommend our five-star rated services to households in Singapore.

Who can join Sendhelper’s Affiliate Programme?

It is a great opportunity for social media influencers, lifestyle publishers, bloggers, content creators and property agents to generate income by utilising their traffic on online platforms as well as other social networks.

How to Register for the Programme?

You can register for FREE as an affiliate by filling up a short application form. We shall get in touch with you within two business days to let you know about all the fine details of the affiliate programme.

How Can You Earn Through the Programme?

You can earn income by recommending our services on social media and other platforms. You can get the referral income from each qualifying sale that comes to us through your referral. Our affiliate programme is the best choice for people who want to start a sustainable income stream that need minimal effort. This opportunity also gives you the flexibility to work at your convenience in your choice of environment.

Benefits of Sendhelper Affiliate Programme

It Helps to Enrich the Lifestyle of Your Audience

Our home services provide your audience with solutions for their household needs and problems. Sendhelper is the #1 home service provider in Singapore that offers a wide range of services that includes cleaning, deep-cleaning, laundry, elderly care, aircon and handyman services, pest control, and tasks and errands services. Customers can book our services on the Sendhelper app in less than two minutes. We provide all-in-one assistance for your audience to make their lifestyle easy. It is also a good opportunity to promote home services that deliver the best results.

You Can Choose to Work from Several Techniques and Strategies

There are numerous ways through which one can market the affiliate program. You can promote it through your social media pages and blogs. You can also set up online courses and use affiliate emails to recommend our services to your audience. Opting to create a website dedicated to your affiliate services is also a great idea.

Extended Technical and Marketing Support

You will receive extended technical and marketing support from our team of experts to help you grow your business. We will help you optimize your website and traffic so that you can monetize every possible opportunity. On top of that you can leverage the brand name of Sendhelper to further enhance your personal brand and performance.

Join Sendhelper's affiliate programme in Singapore and start earning money today!


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