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How to Identify a Reliable Property Agent in Singapore for Rental Properties

May 14, 2024

Finding a reliable property agent in Singapore is hard, but you don’t have to worry any longer as there are some proven best practices to find who is best suited to fulfil your needs. This article discusses such methods that can help you well with the hunt for renting homes. 

Ways to Identify a Reliable Property Agent in Singapore

Make Sure that the Agent You Pick Holds a Licence

It is very important to check whether your agent is licensed by the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA). The license number of an agent should be displayed on their name card, website, listings, and so on. You can check the details of their registration on the CEA’s website

Look at the Sales Material of Your Agent

The agents who persist in selling and renting out properties even during downturns are usually the ones who have made a career of it. You can judge good agents by the way they present things. For instance, such agents stage a house before taking pictures, so potential buyers do not see unnecessary items like plastic bags and loose change scattered on coffee tables. They will write the listings perfectly and highlight the nearby amenities, transport options, and recommendations as they care about the details people often ask them. 

Look at the Way They Deal with Your Property While Visiting

A reliable property agent will do more than one quick inspection or visit your property. Such agents might ask you to do things like unclogging toilets with a plunger, change the batteries in fans and desk lamps before you list the amenities. Lazier agents will only stroll around, take a few pictures and leave. They would only want to put up the listing as soon as they can and get the money if someone responds. 

Check if the Agent is Listening to You While Showing the Property  

Reliable property agents will show you properties that suit your needs well. For instance, a good agent will not most likely find a terrace house with four flights of stairs for you if you have mentioned that you have an elderly parent in a wheelchair. Make sure that the agent is paying serious attention to you while you are specifying your needs. Also, see whether they are someone who is trying to push properties with high commissions.

Inappropriate agents will work out the most expensive house for you than the most appropriate ones to get commissions. Good agents will also refer their clients to someone else as they do not have listings that suit their client's needs. 

Ask the Agent Questions You Know the Answers to Already

Ask about a few things you are already clear about such as the maintenance charged by the estate. A good agent is most likely to know the answer, and they will come back with the right answer after research if they don’t know the answer. Take note of the agents who openly tell you that they need to check when they are unsure of something you ask them. Also, beware of agents who lie to you. 

Here are a few questions that you should ask your property agent while viewing rental properties.

What is the total monthly cost of renting this property, including utilities and maintenance fees? Understanding the total monthly expenses ensures you budget effectively.
Are there any restrictions or rules regarding renovations or modifications to the property? Knowing renovation policies helps gauge personalization options.
What is the duration of the lease, and are there any clauses regarding early termination? Clarifying lease terms prevents surprises and misunderstandings later.
Can you provide information about the neighborhood, such as nearby amenities, public transportation options, and safety considerations? Insight into the neighborhood aids in making an informed decision.
Are there any upcoming developments or construction projects in the vicinity that might impact the quality of life or rental value? Being aware of future developments helps anticipate changes in the>

Reliable Property Agents are Aware of Future Developments in the Area

Good property agents will surely know about the future developments in the area of the property you are either trying to rent out or live as a tenant. Make sure that you ask your agents questions related to it and see if they are giving clear responses. Only the ignorant ones would not take the effort to know a place before they start to list the property and talk about it to clients. 

Check if the Agent Arranges Tenancy Cleaning with the Landlord

A professional property agent will arrange for a move-in tenancy cleaning after discussing with the landlord or their agent if cleaning was not done properly when the previous tenant left.  A good agent will ensure the property you rent is in good condition without major maintenance problems and unclean areas.

There are several cleaning companies in Singapore who provide move-in/out cleaning services. Sendhelper deep cleaning service has specialist tenancy and regular cleaning service providers to meet your requirements. Sendhelper is the best cleaning service provider in Singapore. More than 100,000 households trust us for reliable move-in tenancy cleaning services. It is easy to book a service on the app or website in just two minutes!

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