Easy New Year’s House Cleaning Resolutions You Can Start Today

December 23, 2023

With the holiday season bringing friends and family together and closer, we are also conscious of keeping our homes clean and fresh to make it a welcoming space for all. Our sincere efforts to follow the hygiene standards should continue as we welcome a New Year.  Draw up a plan for the year and stick to it. Make it this New Year's house cleaning resolutions to follow religiously.  A cleaning routine would not take a lot of your time - you can do it fast and right! Listed below are a few ways to clean your home as fast as we can. Here are a few house cleaning resolutions we will have to tackle in a few days, weeks, and months for a cleaner New Year.

Get Your Family Involved in Cleaning

Getting your children to help you with cleaning is not always easy, but it would be worth it as time goes. You will have to spend some time monitoring them and be realistic with how much you expect from their side. If your children are preschoolers, you can ask them to wash away the dishes and toys; if they are grade-school children, they can do jobs like wiping the spills and making their beds. Teenagers can clean their rooms under your supervision; they can also help you with kitchen cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, and similar tasks. 

When it comes to adult individuals who are healthy enough to engage in cleaning, make sure that you divide the workload evenly. The compromise way of approach works best, and you can make 2024 a cleaner year for your family this way.

Do the Daily Cleaning Tasks Without Fail

A few house cleaning tasks can fit into all our busy schedules, and the habit of cleaning up as you go daily goes a long way to make the job easier. A house, when it is well maintained, needs less cleaning services a year. Spare long weekends to scrub away the accumulated grunge and split the total cleaning tasks for the months ahead.

Utilize the Night-Time Make tidying up before bedtime a nightly habit. A cleaner home in the morning sets a positive tone for the day. Consider it a New Year's resolution for a more organized and uplifting start each day.
Make Sure that You Stay Ahead of the Mess Make it a habit to clean the dishes or put them inside the dishwasher after completing your meals. Nobody would want to come home to a sink full of dirty dishes.
Think about Prevention in Your Daily Chores Clean your shower walls with a squeegee after use to prevent the build-up of soap scum over the week.
Hang the Damp Clothes Do not bunch up damp clothes like towels at your home. Always hang it in open spaces to allow it to dry fast.
Keep the Shower Door Open Leave the shower curtains and shower doors to allow fresh air in after showering - it would prevent the growth of mould inside the moist environment.

Stick onto a Weekly House Cleaning Routine

Make the cleaning routine during weekends more pleasant by sticking onto doing a few essential tasks. These tasks often include vacuuming the carpets, resolving the dust right away, sanitising the toilets, changing the bed linens, and taming the soap scums.

Consider Doing a Monthly House Cleaning

Monthly house cleaning at your place as part of the New Year's house cleaning resolutions should involve tasks such as disinfecting germ collectors, cleaning the refrigerator and oven most importantly. These are unavoidable tasks, and doing this every month can save you a lot of money you might have to spend on servicing them later.

Professional Cleaners for Regular & Seasonal Cleaning

Seasonal cleaning such as Christmas cleaning and New Year cleaning are sometimes a bit heavier and doing it all by ourselves can sometimes tire us out. To maintain a clean home throughout the year and keep up with your house cleaning resolutions, use flexible weekly and bi-weekly cleaning services offered by Sendhelper. You can sit back and relax while our experienced professionals take care of your space. Much to your delight these cleaning services come at a discounted rate of $25 per hour! 

Download the Sendhelper app or website to book a regular cleaning service!

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