Let’s Keep Up With the ‘Gold Standard’ of Hygiene Practices

A recent preliminary study at Harvard University recognised Singapore’s approach to coronavirus outbreak as the ‘gold standard’ for detection of cases. It comes as no surprise for our country has always been at the forefront of public healthcare and environment protection.
Random calls, and spot checks are conducted by enforcement officers to ensure people on new stay-home notice comply with the regulations. If you violate the rules, you will be prosecuted under the Infectious Disease Act. As a first-time offender you may be fined up to $10,000 or jailed for up to six months or both. If you are a foreigner, your long-term pass may be revoked. If you know of family, friends or colleagues who are on stay-home notice, advise them to strictly follow the rules.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has activated more than 500 general practitioners clinics to provide subsidised treatment for people with respiratory symptoms.
While Singapore’s government leaves no stone unturned to disinfect public spaces, personal hygiene is in the hands of each individual; it’s on you!
Sanitise your hands
To begin with, practise the most important and efficient routine to keep viruses and germs at bay - wash your hands regularly with soap or an alcohol-based (60%) hand rub because it can reduce the risk of developing respiratory infection by 16%.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) says it should take about as long as singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice. Well, if you do not know the lyrics, wash for 20 seconds. Finally, leave it to dry naturally.
Clean your phone regularly
While talking of keeping your hands sanitised, we can’t resign without discussing the importance of disinfecting the inevitable gadget you carry around everyday - your smartphone.
We understand that you often use Sendhelper app to book home services and keep track of scheduled jobs and payments. According to Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona, “phones carry 10 times more bacteria than toilet seats” due to constant touching.” A recent study reveals that coronaviruses could survive on an average about 3-4 days on inanimate surfaces like glass and metal.
You may use an alcohol based solution prepared at home (60% water and 40% alcohol) with a microfiber cloth to wipe on the surface of your phone. Do check your phone maker's instructions on applying any kind of liquid on the gadget. You could also purchase cleansing products for phones or simply wipe with a microfibre cloth to keep it cleaner than usual. Moreover, abstain from the habit of sharing phones with others just to be safe.
Disinfect and clean your home
The National Environment Agency (NEA) issued an interim guideline last month detailing the steps to disinfect homes that are suspected of being exposed to the Wuhan virus.
According to the guideline, you should prepare upfront disposable gloves, an appropriate disinfectant, change of clothes, plastic/trash bags, water, disposable rags or cloths, pail, and a mop. Also keep your windows open for ventilation, and wear gloves and a mask at all times while cleaning your home.
For professional disinfection service, you may avail Sendhelper’s home disinfection service that uses a proprietary technology to protect your home year round.
Make sure not to share your household items, dishes, utensils, and bedding with others. Wash them with water after usage.
Do your laundry properly
The guideline also highlights the need to remove cushion covers, and other fabric for washing. Always wash clothes in a washing machine with a detergent. In our previous blog, we shared some useful tips to keep your laundry germ-free.
If you find these tasks tedious and time-consuming, leave your laundry with us for dry cleaning or regular washing. We assure fast booking, and free pick-up and delivery in Singapore.
While the NEA continues to provide support and guidance to all stakeholders involved in cleaning and maintenance of public and private premises, it has called for the “collective efforts and cooperation from all parties to step up their existing sanitation measures and public health practices." So, let’s do our part and stand united to fight the coronavirus outbreak that continues to plague the world right now.