How to Keep Bathrooms Odourless at Home

July 16, 2024

Are you worried that your bathrooms keep swinging like a pendulum from something like a retreat to a smelly place just two days after you clean them? Cheer up! It is not as hard to keep your bathroom odourless and smell fresh. We are here to share our favourite tips on how to keep bathrooms odourless with you.

Note a few chores you can do in bathrooms to keep them clean and smell great for many days.

Clean the Toilet Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush and cleaner, and wipe down the seat, lid, and tank with a disinfectant.
Wipe Down Surfaces Use a multi-surface cleaner to wipe down counters, sinks, faucets, and mirrors. This removes soap scum, toothpaste, and water spots..
Scrub the Shower or Bathtub Use a bathroom cleaner to scrub the walls, floor, and door of the shower or the surface of the bathtub to remove soap scum, mildew, and grime.
Mop the Floor Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove hair and dust, then mop with a disinfectant cleaner to keep it sparkling and hygienic.
Empty the Trash Regularly empty the bathroom trash can to prevent overflow and odors. Replace the liner and clean the can as needed.

If you’re still confused about how to clean a bathroom properly, read our step-by-step guide to deep-clean bathrooms.

How to Keep Bathrooms Odourless: Tips & Tricks

Clean Your Bathrooms Whenever You Can

It is always best to prevent the smell in bathrooms than invest a lot of time in removing the odour. The most important thing you will have to do for this is to clean the bathrooms regularly whenever possible. You can cover small cleaning chores when you get in the bathroom for a shower and these tasks often include cleaning and wiping the bathroom sink and scrubbing the toilet. You should also make sure that you clean the bath mats and towels regularly. If you are pressed for time, you can opt for a part-time cleaner for weekly or fortnightly cleaning by making a booking on the Sendhelper app or website.

Take Out Damp Towels from Bathrooms

Damp and unwashed towels are sources of stinky smell in your shower. Hence, do not keep piles of used or folded towels in the bathroom. Plush towels turn into a mildewy mess over time if you keep them that way. 

Always keep used towels hanging in the bathroom - do not keep them folded. Never fold damp towels or leave them on the floors of your bathroom while they stay damp. Wash your towels regularly at least once a week. 

Try Keeping a Scent Packet 

Keeping scent packets in bathrooms helps in creating a fresh smell. These packets contain a potpourri mixture or aromatic beads. They are small in size, which makes them easier to keep at different spots in your bathrooms. You can even hang them in your bathroom - this makes it easier for us because there is no chance of essential oils spilling out of them. Scent sachets are great picks to keep bathrooms smelling fresh as they last for several weeks.

Empty the Trash Bins Regularly 

One of the major culprits in a foul-smelling bathroom is the trash can. Fighting the odour from trash cans is not difficult when compared to dealing with the foul smell that comes from other items. Make sure you take the trash out regularly - don't wait for it to get filled as waiting for trash cans to get filled will only bring foul odour. 

We have an additional tip for you! Add a few drops of your favourite essential oils into the new trash bag after emptying the trash and cleaning the bin. This way, you can always get a fresh scent while opening the trash cans. 

Keep a Small Diffuser in Bathrooms 

Diffusers are tiny devices that deliver scents in the air through heat or ultrasonics. They usually contain a blend of essential oils; they are also small to keep in bathrooms, making them great picks to make such spaces smell great. 

You can keep a small diffuser behind the toilet or at the back of your sink. You can even keep a diffuser on separate stands in bathrooms. The plus of using a diffuser is that it often creates a spa-like feeling during your shower. 

Note: Be careful about keeping the diffuser within the reach of your pets, as some diffusers are toxic to them. 

Add a Moisture Absorber to Your Bathrooms 

Keeping these small contraptions that contain charcoal beads in bathrooms will help trap excess moisture and foul smell. Though they are not aesthetically pleasing, keeping them in bathrooms will be of help. So, keep them behind a tray or somewhere people don’t notice easily. 

Use Scented Soaps or Body Wash

Pick your favourite fragrant soaps or body wash for showering as using them will make the bathroom smell like roses. It is also easy to use body products with good fragrance as it will save the need of having to check on diffusers and scent packets to ensure a daily dose of fragrance in bathrooms.

Ventilate the Bathrooms 

You must note that keeping your bathrooms steamy for a long time is not good. Open the bathroom windows and turn on the exhaust fans after your long baths - it is vital to keep bathroom windows open for fifteen minutes to get rid of excess moisture. Too much moisture is one of the major reasons that make a bathroom stinky. No amount of diffusers or fragrances you add will make your bathroom a great place to be in for a long time if you skip this step - too much steam will make it uncomfortable for people to use a bathroom.

Try Keeping Some Herbs in Your Bathroom

Enhance the fresh smell in your bathroom by keeping some greenery in it. Keep some herbs with strong scents such as lavender or mint near the bathroom windows. You can also keep bouquets of dried herbs in a vase to add more elegance to your bathrooms. We recommend you keep a bouquet of dried eucalyptus to experience one of the best naturally-smelling showers you’ve ever had. 

Add a Bit of Fabric Softener to Your Toilet Tanks 

A toilet is the worst-smelling area in your bathroom. Not to worry, here is a trick that’ll help bring some fresh scent into it. Add a little amount of fabric softener to your toilet tank for the tank to release some amount of it to the toilet bowl while flushing each time.

We believe you have some effective tips on how to keep bathrooms odourless at home by now. Try these to make your bathrooms smell fresh.

Worried About Cleaning Bathrooms Before a Party?

If you are in the middle of organising a party or are held up with enough chores for the week, but also not sure how to keep bathrooms odourless at your home in Singapore, get in touch with the Sendhelper. We are a team of service-providing professionals who're happy to help with your cleaning needs in Singapore.

Make your bathrooms sparkling clean by booking our deep-cleaning service- download the Sendhelper app or visit the website and request our cleaning service. Our professionals will be there at your doorsteps for the time slot you've booked the service for.