Curtain Cleaning: What You Should Keep in Mind

October 19, 2020
Curtain Cleaning: What you should keep in mind

Cleaning curtains at home is often overlooked or kept aside for the inconvenience associated with removing, washing and hanging them back again. Night curtains are heavy and are not easy to wash in washing machines at home. Do you skip curtain cleaning even though you know they are dirty?

Keep your worries away and go through the aspects listed below to have a better idea about curtain dry cleaning

If you live near one of the dusty areas of the city, chances are high that nasty bacteria gets on to the curtains easily. We recommend you to wash your curtains once every three months for spaces like these. This is also applicable to homes located near beaches where curtains would retain the salty smell of the sea. 

What many of you who have curtains designed with embroideries might worry about is how those can be washed with special care. Curtain cleaning services in Singapore take proper care of your curtains and they go by the curtain maker’s cleaning directives. Better, isn’t it? 

It is also important to know that curtains with embellishments, special linings, and interlinings have to be washed with the help of professionals for them to last longer. One should also be aware that if you attempt to wash them in the washing machine at home, chances are that you will ruin your beautiful curtains. The same goes with stained curtains - it is always best to leave it to professional curtain cleaning services to remove the stains without the risk of damaging your curtains. 

How often should you wash curtains?

The next obvious question you will have is how often you should wash and dry-clean your curtains. It depends on many factors such as its colour, type of fabric, intricate and customisation aspects.

Curtains made of hard-wearing fabrics that have dark colours are suited for dry cleaning once every six months; curtains made out of delicate fabrics should be cleaned once a month with proper care. If you have family members allergic to dust, you might have to clean curtains more often.

When Should You Consider Frequent Curtain Cleaning?

Cleaning your curtains every three to six months is an appropriate frequency for most homes. However, more frequent cleaning would be better if the below-listed factors play a major role in your homes. 


Curtains cause a lot of allergies as they trap dust, mold spores, dander, pollen, and pet hair. It is always best to make curtain-cleaning a regular part of your household cleaning routine if one of your family members suffer from allergies. 

If You Smoke Often 

Curtains easily tend to trap smoke particles. Smoke particles accumulated over time can change the colour of your beautiful curtains. It is always best to choose curtains made of regularly washable fabrics and keep them neat if you have the habit of smoking. Moreover, if not washed properly curtains retain the smell of smoke for long.

If Your House is Near the Sea

Having a great sea view at your place also comes with a price! You will have to wash your curtains on a regular basis as the salty sea wind can ruin them. Make sure that you include them in your household cleaning routine. 

Why Should You Prefer Curtain Dry Cleaning?

Curtains made of materials such as silk, linen, or any other sensitive fabrics need to be dry cleaned professionally. The use of hot water and detergent along with the rubbing action in the washing machine at our homes can damage the curtains. Why leave your beautiful curtains for shrinking and fading? Curtains are an expensive investment for most of your homes, hence it is vital to keep them well-maintained. 

Make Curtain Cleaning in Singapore Easy & Convenient

The best way to keep your worries away when you plan to clean your curtains is to seek the help of a professional curtain cleaning service provider. Sendhelper, the best laundry service provider in Singapore offers curtain dry cleaning solutions at attractive rates. Download the app and enjoy free pick-up and delivery islandwide.

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