Clean Greasy Wooden Cabinets in 4 Expert Ways

Cabinets are a central fixture for any kitchen, and even now, the demand for them is still growing. Mordor Intelligence reports that the Asia-Pacific region has the highest cabinet revenue growth. Kitchen cabinets also dominate the market, with more and more people adding them to their homes. While they are essential for all kinds of spaces to contain clutter and act as storage, they can also get pretty dirty without regular cleaning and maintenance.
Here are various types of wooden cabinets we usually use in our homes extensively.
Many people are already too busy to deal with the mess in their lives, and a greasy kitchen cabinet shouldn’t add to your stress. Lauren from The Intentional Edit Podcast highlights how most adults — particularly moms — struggle to do it all, using up their time and energy on additional household tasks. To prevent exhaustion, she emphasises how simple solutions and systems will often work best. The same goes for your kitchen cabinets. Grease and grime can be easily cleaned with simple methods and everyday products which you might already have in your home. Here are some of the best ways to clean greasy wooden cabinets:
Soap and water
One of the simplest ways to get rid of grime on your cabinets is to use soap and water. Dish soap is excellent for the job because it was designed to cut through grease, and pairing it with warm water will make it melt away even faster. Soften the grease with a warm and wet sponge, and then go in again with another sponge damp with your soap and water. You can use a toothbrush as well to get into those smaller grooves. Don’t forget to dry your cabinets thoroughly with a dry cloth, as wet wood can rot.
Distilled white vinegar
Wooden cabinets need safe and gentle cleaners so as not to damage their finish. Sendhelper recommends using a natural solution like distilled white vinegar, which can beat the grease without harming your cabinets. Mix equal parts vinegar and warm water into a spray bottle and spritz some of it onto a microfibre cloth. Clean from top to bottom, and once everything is clean, dry it off with an absorbent rag and a microfibre cloth.
Baking soda
Sometimes, the grease build-up on your cabinets might be tougher to clean after a long time without maintenance, so a more abrasive cleaner is necessary. Baking soda is an excellent solution for stubborn grime. Mix it with equal amounts of water to make a paste, then apply it to your cabinets with a microfibre cloth or toothbrush. Do scrub in small, circular motions to get rid of the dirt.
Citrus-based cleaners
A citrus-based cleaner can do the trick if you want a great-smelling solution while removing cabinet grease. Danny from the Today’s Homeowner Podcast suggests taking a new sponge and wetting it. Then, put the wet sponge in the microwave for ten to fifteen seconds before pairing it with the citrus cleaner to clean up your cabinets — watch as the grime dissolves. You can find a citrus cleaner in stores or even make one from scratch yourself! Fill three-fourths of a jar with citrus peels and add some white vinegar. Let it steep for two to three weeks, strain the peels, and put the rest of the liquid into a spray jar. Now you can use it like any other cleaner!
Kitchen Deep Cleaning Service to Clean Greasy Wooden Cabinets
Are you struggling to keep your kitchen clean after heavy cooking? Have you been searching for answers to remove grease from wooden cabinets? Well, look no further, book a deep cleaning service for kitchen and other rooms in your home with Sendhelper.
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This article is written by Raizel Joyce for the Sendhelper.