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"My professional and personal life are one and the same," says Amy, the founder of The Meat Club

December 22, 2021

In conversation with Amy, the founder of The Meat Club, an online butcher bringing quality Australian and New Zealand produce, direct to Singapore. Amy is a lawyer turned entrepreneur. She talks about her motivation to start a business in Singapore, her entrepreneurial journey in these exceptional times and of course about her idea of a perfect Christmas.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your business, the Meat Club.

Hi I’m Amy. I moved to Singapore around 9 years ago from Australia.

I am a mum of two girls and founder of The Meat Club, an online butcher bringing quality Australian and New Zealand produce, direct to Singapore, from suppliers we trust.

How would you define entrepreneurship? What motivated you to venture into e-commerce considering you are a trained lawyer?

I would define entrepreneurship by a personality style or character. For me, it is about never saying no, never giving in and always being willing to go the extra mile.

I started The Meat Club by default. I had moved away from law and was working as a sports consultant when we first moved to Singapore. Over time, I realised there was a need for quality beef and lamb that was priced competitively — something I couldn’t find in butchers and supermarkets at the time. I didn’t want a retail space so developed the website to cater to all of Singapore while offering convenient home delivery options.

How do you successfully run a business as well as manage the role of a mother and a partner simultaneously?

I would be hesitant to say I successfully juggle the three! It is a constant work in progress and would not be possible without the support of my husband or our helper. Having to work at all times is a by-product of running a business. Being organised is essential and the upside is the freedom to organise my day and prioritize what needs to be done and when.

How has life changed in recent times? Can you share some lessons you learned during the new normal days - both on the professional front and at a personal level?

My professional and personal life are one and the same. I am grateful for the changes it has forced on me (the shift to working from home) as I am spending more time with our girls while balancing work, and they get a greater understanding of what I’m doing day to day.

Several research studies have found that rising consumption of meat and dairy products contribute to global warming. What is your take on this? What is the way forward according to you?

Absolutely. The future is changing and so should the way we consume meat. Now more than ever, we believe that it is important to appreciate the food on your plate as part of a balanced diet, knowing exactly how it got there and not taking it for granted. In being ‘The Home of the Conscious Carnivore’, The Meat Club advocates for:

1.     Choosing quality proteins as part of a balanced diet.

2.     Understanding where your proteins are sourced from and who has interacted with it.

3.     Reducing food waste by only consuming what is needed.

What would you advise local startups and small businesses during these exceptional times we are in?

Dive in! There are so many opportunities around us, it is simply a matter of trusting yourself and putting the time and effort into something that you believe in.

How do you think an all-in-one home service app like the Sendhelper will help entrepreneurs and mums working from home?

Help is essential. Having an organised space to live and work in brings calmness to the family home. It allows you to be more productive while using your time more wisely.

What is your idea of a perfect Christmas? Is it going to be any different this year?

My perfect Christmas day is a dip in the ocean, followed by a slow morning opening gifts over breakfast, then a late but very long lunch.

This article is published by Sendhelper. Sendhelper is an online marketplace that connects homeowners with service providers who provide customised solutions for everyday household needs in Singapore.

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