New Year Goals: Expert Tips to Help You Reach Them in 2024!

December 18, 2023

“New Year resolutions do work!”, is a statement most would not agree with. Many usually stumble 2 weeks into trying to achieve their new resolutions. However, what happened in the past should not define what is to come! It is possible for us to achieve our resolutions and goals. To help you achieve your goals better this year, learn about the common mistakes people tend to make while setting up their New Year Resolutions.

No Accountability Lack of accountability or support hinders progress. Share goals or use tools for better commitment.
Lack of Specificity Be specific and create smart goals for clarity and effectiveness.
Failure to Plan Plan a realistic strategy to achieve your resolutions.
Too Many Goals Prioritize a few key resolutions to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Neglecting Progress Track your progress and be willing to adjust your goals as needed.

Here are some tips for you to help you achieve the goals you set for yourself in the year of 2024!

Avoid vague resolutions

People often give up on goals when they feel that what they have set for themselves are unachievable. This is likely caused by vague phrasing of resolutions. Examples of such resolutions are:

“I would like to be fitter”

“I would like to sleep earlier”

Envision goal setting as if we are novices knowing nothing about building planes but are tasked to build one. The vagueness of these goals is a stumbling block in itself. It is like expecting a newbie to build a plane with missing instructions. The lack of clarity in direction of goals will and has caused many to stumble.

Quantify your goals

Craft your resolutions better by quantifying them. Here’s how the earlier examples can be phrased better:

“I would like to be fitter –lose 4kg by 6months

“Instead of sleeping at 2am, I would like to sleep by 10pm every night”

The latter statements also express the same intentions in a more specific manner. However, actions that could be taken for latter statements are more tangible than the former statements.

Be present, don't multi-task

Don’t be busy, be present. Being present heightens our awareness to our surroundings and ourselves. Doing so helps us to be conscientious in attaining our goals. Additionally, we use our time better and thus feel less burnt out.

We also become more sensitive to small details otherwise unnoticed on a daily basis. Being aware of how our bodies react to different stimuli might help us to improve our health incrementally. We might not see the dust at home. However, sinus flare ups are signals to us that our aircon needs to undergo maintenance.

Sleep better to regulate your emotions better throughout this journey

The adult body requires 7-9 hours of sleep daily. This is a consensus agreed upon across different research boards. Sleeping enough, at the right time, prevents disruptions to our moods and hormones. Furthermore, when our circadian systems are in sync with their natural rhythms, our bodies are less susceptible to illnesses. This decreases the number of obstacles we face in improving ourselves. Keeping dirt and allergens at bay helps us to get enough sleep. If our schedules are packed, there are cleaning services and laundry services to ensure that our homes and clothes are cleaned.

Achieving your goals is a process, not an end point

Many people feel great weight on their shoulders when they speak of their goals. Don't feel overwhelmed - achieving our goals is a process. Our minds and bodies require time to adapt during the process. Sleeping enough helps us to regulate negative energy. Being kind to ourselves when we err helps us persevere along the way. Whatever your goal may be in the year of 2024, Sendhelper wishes you all the best for the new year!